TITLE: The WordSmith Newsletter Kit Eight chapter templates containing newsletter designs The intended user is the novice using Ventura Publisher without a great deal of typographical or page design experience. Designed to provide the new user with a complete newsletter, the kit manual outlines all procedures required to turn word processor files into a complete, attractive publication. For the experienced user, the style sheets provide instant design, which may be quickly modified to suit a variety of needs. This is the first complete version; a beta version has been previously released to Canada Remote Systems of Toronto. This provides a new approach to template collections. First it ties the series of templates to one application: in this case, the production of a newsletter. As well, it provides a range of tools -- for example, copyfitting techniques & suggestions for printing -- that go outside the mandate of the layout software. The kit finally provides a total solution for the user's needs, tying in the world of software with the traditions of printing and typography. The program requires that the user have Ventura Publisher 2.0 and have a suitable printer. The styles are developed specifically for a PostScript printer, but may be transferred to non- PostScript devices. The program requires the same amount of RAM and disk space as Ventura Publisher. The hypertext manual requires a monitor with 80-column mode. Load the files through Ventura and print them from the floppy drive. Type DOC and press ENTER to read the on-disk manual. Registration fee is $29.95 US plus $2.00 postage. An attractive 75-page manual accompanies the diskette and is provided upon registration. FILES.TXT on the master floppy for a list of files. A copy included with this diskette.